Status of the Spiral 2 project - Overview of the vacuum system
The Spiral 2 facility is a rare isotope accelerator that will be installed on the GANIL site at Caen (Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds). This machine is dedicated for the production of high intensity radioactive ion beams using ISOL technique (Isotope Separation On Line). Spiral 2 facility is based on a high power superconducting driver LINAC delivering a deuteron beam (5 mA / 40 MeV) and heavy-ion beams (1mA / 14.5 MeV/u). Radioactive beams are produced by fission reactions of a Uranium target (UCx) maintained at 2000°C and subjected to a high neutron flux. Fission products of different reactions are then scattered out of the target, ionized, separated on line and post-accelerated into the existing CIME cyclotron at GANIL. The construction of the facility is organized in two phases. First phase including the superconducting driver accelerator and its associated experimental areas, and a second phase including the radioactive ion beams production, the low energy experimental area and the connection to GANIL existing facility. The Spiral 2 facility is now in its construction phase, with the objective of obtaining the first beams with the first phase during 2014. This paper presents an overview of the project and a status of the construction. A general presentation of the Spiral 2 vacuum system is given, with a focus to the constraints due to the radioactive environment. The specific vacuum systems designed for safety functions are briefly described (storage exhaust gas system, fast valves system and specific trap to limit the radioactive transfer of volatile contamination in the beam lines).