Beyond-mean-field study of the possible "bubble" structure of 34Si
Recent self-consistent mean-field calculations predict a substantial depletion of the proton density in the interior of 34Si. In the present study, we investigate how correlations beyond the mean field modify this finding. The framework of the calculation is a particle-number and angular-momentum projected Generator Coordinate Method based on Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov+Lipkin-Nogami states with axial quadrupole deformation. The parametrization SLy4 of the Skyrme energy density functional is used together with a density-dependent pairing energy functional. For the first time, the generator coordinate method is applied to the calculation of charge and transition densities. The impact of pairing correlations, symmetry restorations and shape mixing on the density profile is analyzed step by step. All these effects significantly alter the radial density profile, and tend to bring it closer to a Fermi-type density distribution.