First measurements with the BEta deLayEd neutron detector (BELEN-20) at JYFLTRAP
A prototype version of the BEta deLayEd Neutron detector, which is being developed for the FAIR/DESPEC experiment, has been used for the first time in an experiment at JYFL (Finland). This detector is based on 3He counters and its first run was primarily intended to commission the detector and verify the working principles for future experiments. A new triggerless DAQ has been developed for these measurements. This DAQ time-stamps the events and allows complete flexibility to construct correlations offline. An isotopically pure beam was obtained using the JYFLTRAP Penning trap setup at the IGISOL facility and it was implanted on a movable tape placed in the centre of the BELEN-20 detector. The measurements were performed for known delayed neutron emitters of interest for nuclear power generation: 88Br, 94,95Rb, 138I. The characteristics of the BELEN-20 detector and the first experiment at JYFL are presented in this paper.