Spin Observables in Transition-Distribution-Amplitude Studies
Exclusive hadronic reactions with a massive lepton pair (l^+l^-) in the final state will be measured with PANDA at GSI-FAIR and with Compass at CERN, both in p+p-bar -> l^+l^-+pi and pi+N -> N'+l^+l^-. Similarly, electroproduction of a meson in the backward region will be studied at JLAB. We discuss here how the spin structure of the amplitude for such processes will enable us to disentangle various mechanisms. For instance, target-transverse-spin asymmetries are specific of a partonic description, where the amplitude is factorised in terms of baryon to meson or meson to baryon Transition Distribution Amplitudes (TDAs) as opposed to what is expected from baryon-exchange contributions.