Journal Articles International Journal of Modern Physics E Year : 2003

Relativistic mean-field approximation with density-dependent screening meson masses in nuclear matter

X.-F. Lu
  • Function : Author
P.-N. Shen
  • Function : Author
E.-G. Zhao
  • Function : Author


The Debye screening masses of the sigma, omega and neutral rho mesons and the photon are calculated in the relativistic mean-field approximation. As the density of the nucleon increases, all the screening masses of mesons increase. A different result with Brown-Rho scaling is shown, which implies a reduction in the mass of all the mesons in the nuclear matter, except the pion. Replacing the masses of the mesons with their corresponding screening masses in the Walecka-1 model, five saturation properties of the nuclear matter are fixed reasonably, and then a density-dependent relativistic mean-field model is proposed without introducing the nonlinear self-coupling terms of mesons.

Dates and versions

in2p3-00167765 , version 1 (22-08-2007)



B.-X. Sun, X.-F. Lu, P.-N. Shen, E.-G. Zhao. Relativistic mean-field approximation with density-dependent screening meson masses in nuclear matter. International Journal of Modern Physics E, 2003, 12, pp.543-554. ⟨10.1142/S0218301303001363⟩. ⟨in2p3-00167765⟩
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