An interdisciplinary approach to investigate the impact of cobalt in a human keratinocyte cell line
Since in nuclear power plants, risks of skin contact contamination by radiocobalt are significant, we focused on the impact of cobalt on a human cutaneous cell line, i.e. HaCaT keratinocytes. The present paper reports an interdisciplinary approach aimed at clarifying the biochemical mechanisms of metabolism and toxicity of cobalt in HaCaT cells. Firstly, a brief overview of the used instrumental techniques is reported. The following parts present description and discussion of results concerning: (i) toxicological studies concerning cobalt impact towards HaCaT cells (ii) structural and speciation fundamental studies of cobalt-bioligand systems, through X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), ab initio and thermodynamic modelling (iii) preliminary results regarding intracellular cobalt speciation in HaCaT cells using size exclusion chromatrography/inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (SEC/ICP-AES) and direct in situ analysis by ion beam micropobe analytical techniques.