Comment on "Partial energies fluctuations and negative heat capacities" by X. Campi et al
Studying the energy partioning published in Nucl-th/0406056v2 we show that the presented results do not fulfill the sum rule due to energy conservation. The observed fluctuations of the energy conservation test point to a numerical problem. Moreover, analysis of the binding energies show that the fragment recognition algorithm adopted by Campi et al. leads with a sizeable probability to fragments containing up to the total mass even for excitation energies as large as 3/4 of the total binding. This surprising result points to another problem since the published inter-fragment energy is not zero while a unique fragment is present. This problem may be due to either the fragment recognition algorithm or to the definition of the inter and intra-fragment energy. These numerical inconsistencies should be settled before any conclusion on the physics can be drawn.