Conference Papers Year : 1997

Diffusion studies using ion beam analysis


The expression "digital divide”, was introduced by the end of the Nineties as a parallel with that of "social divide" which had course in the political debate. It wanted to be an alarm against the cantors of the Internet who thought that the development of information and communication technologies were going to create a classless society based on a universal availability of the knowledge and an immediate democracy. It aimed at recalling that the access and the benefit of the Internet were for the moment the prerogative of the richest and most advanced societies, and that most of the world population did not have access to it. This population being not only among the underprivileged classes of the Western nations but more and especially in the developing world. The "digital divide” thus became one of the slogans of anti globalization movements. The present communication aims at recounting some objective data on "digital underdevelopment" and at showing that the indicators usually used to demonstrate the “"digital divide” are partial and underestimate the potential present and future of the Internet for durable development. To put technology at the service of durable development is an ethical posture which enlarge these concerns to the scale of the planet.
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in2p3-00004708 , version 1 (07-04-2000)


  • HAL Id : in2p3-00004708 , version 1


N. Moncoffre, G. Barbier, H. Jaffrezic, E. Leblond, P. Martin. Diffusion studies using ion beam analysis. International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Jul 1997, Lisbonne, Portugal. ⟨in2p3-00004708⟩
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