Testing of submicrometer fluorescence microprobe based on Bragg-Fresnel crystal optics at the ESRF
Hard x-ray phase zone plate fabricated by lithographic techniques Applied Physics Letters 61, 1877 (1992); https://doi. Hard x-ray microprobe with total-reflection mirrors Review of Scientific Instruments 63, 578 (1992); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1142710 The recent development of Bragg-Fresnel crystal optics. Experiments and applications at the ESRF (invited) Review of Scientific Instruments 66, 2053 (1995); https://doi. An x-ray fluorescence microprobe with circular Bragg-Fresnel lens was tested at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Microfocus beamline. A focal spot of 0.7 ,um was observed using the knife-edge technique at the energy 7.6 keV (wavelength 1.6 A). The intensity in the focal spot was measured to lo* ph/s in energy bandwidth of 10m5. The fluorescence microprobe was applied for mapping 100 pm size micrometeorite at 13.5 keV. 0 1995 American Znstitute ofPhysics.
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