Medium-spin states of the neutron-rich $^{87,89}$Br isotopes: configurations and shapes
Medium-spin excited states of the neutron-rich 87Br and 89Br nuclei were observed and studied for the first time. They were populated in fission of 235U induced by the cold-neutron beam of the PF1B facility of the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. The measurement of γ radiation following fission has been performed using the EXILL array of Ge detectors. The observed level schemes were compared with results of large valence space shell model calculations. Both medium-spin level schemes consist of band-like structures, which can be understood as bands built on the πf 5/2, πp 3/2 and πg 9/2 configurations. Both nuclei have 5/2− ground state spin-parity contrary to the odd-mass Br isotopes containing fewer neutrons, which have 3/2− ground state spin-parity. On the basis of the properties of the πg 9/2 decoupled bands the deformations of the 87Br and 89Br fit to the systematics of nuclei in the region. 87Br is close to the vibrational limit, while 89Br is more rotational.