GET – A generic approach towards an acquisition system for TPCs in Nuclear Physics.
GET (Generic Electronics for TPCs) is today being deployed in a number (>20) experiments including, TPCs, trackers
and solid-state devices at RIKEN, J-PARC, GANIL, IBS, NSCL, IRFU, INFN(Catania), ELI-NP, CERN, IMP, … The
system development covered the very front-end to data storage including basic software developments. It has been
specifically tailored to respond to the needs in Nuclear Physics where i) a versatile multi-level numeric trigger is
required, ii) the number of channels can are relatively small (256-32k), iii) having a wide dynamic range, iv) relatively
high rates(<5kHz) and in particular v) generic via slow control to cater for different instruments in the domain.
Propose to present an overview of the GET system as coupled to ACTAR-TPC, AT-TPC (active targets) and
SpIRIT(TPC). The performance of the recent (2015) integrated system will be given for recent experiments. Future
extensions of the system leading to a high dynamic range will be described.