Equations of state and phase transitions in stellar matter
Realistic description of core-collapsing supernovae evolution and structure of proto-neutron stars chiefly depends on microphysics input in terms of equations of state, chemical composition and weak interaction rates. At sub-saturation densities the main uncertainty comes from the symmetry energy. Within a nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) model with consistent treatment of clusterized and unbound components we investigate the meaning of symmetry energy in the case of dis-homogeneous systems, as the one thought to constitute the neutron star crust, and its sensitivity to the isovector properties of the effective interaction. At supra-saturation densities the situation is much more difficult because of the poor knowledge of nucleon-hyperon and hyperon-hyperon interactions and thermodynamic behavior in terms of phase transitions. Within a simple (npΛ) model we show that compressed baryonic matter with strangeness manifests a complex phase diagram with first and second order phase transitions. The fact that both are explored under strangeness chemical equilibrium and survive Coulomb suggests that they might have sizable consequences on star evolution. An example in this sense is the drastic reduction of the neutrino-mean free path in the vicinity of the critical point obtained within RPA which would lead to a less rapid star cooling.