The magnetic properties of $^{\rm 177}$Hf and $^{\rm 180}$Hf in the strong coupling deformed model
This paper reports NMR measurements of the magnetic dipole moments of two high-K isomers, the 37/2$^-$, 51.4 m, 2740 keV state in $^{\rm 177}$Hf and the 8$^-$, 5.5 h, 1142 keV state in $^{\rm 180}$Hf by the method of on-line nuclear orientation. Also included are results on the angular distributions of gamma transitions in the decay of the $^{\rm 177}$Hf isotope. These yield high precision E2/M1 multipole mixing ratios for transitions in bands built on the 23/2$^+$, 1.1 s, isomer at 1315 keV and on the 9/2$^+$, 0.663 ns, isomer at 321 keV. The new results are discussed in the light of the recently reported finding of systematic dependence of the behavior of the g$_{\rm R}$ parameter upon the quasi-proton and quasi-neutron make up of high-K isomeric states in this region.