Beta decay of the exotic Tz = - 2, $^{56}$Zn nucleus and half-life of various proton-rich Tz = -1 nuclei
S.E.A. Orrigo
B. Rubio
J. Agramunt
A. Algora
F. Molina
Bertram Blank
P. Ascher
M. Gerbaux
J. Giovinazzo
S. Grévy
T. Kurtukian Nieto
W. Gelletly
B. Bilgier
R.B. Cakirli
E. Ganioglu
H.C. Kozer
L. Kucuk
G. Susoy
L. Caceres
O. Kamalou
C. Stodel
J.C. Thomas
H. Fujita
T. Suzuki
A. Tamii
L. Popescu
A.M. Rogers
Y. Fujita
Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular
2 NEX - Noyaux exotiques
3 Department of Physics, University of Surrey
4 GANIL - Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds
5 Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
6 SKC CEN, Belgique
7 ANL - Argonne National Laboratory [Lemont]
2 NEX - Noyaux exotiques
3 Department of Physics, University of Surrey
4 GANIL - Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds
5 Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
6 SKC CEN, Belgique
7 ANL - Argonne National Laboratory [Lemont]
Bertram Blank
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 738372
- IdHAL : bertram-blank
- ORCID : 0000-0001-8050-6850
- IdRef : 069503834
P. Ascher
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 739967
- IdHAL : pauline-ascher
- ORCID : 0000-0002-1990-0848
- IdRef : 157777685
M. Gerbaux
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 1173352
- IdHAL : mathias-gerbaux
- ORCID : 0000-0002-3852-2643
J. Giovinazzo
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 738930
- IdHAL : jerome-giovinazzo
- ORCID : 0000-0001-7436-8877
- IdRef : 198020287
T. Kurtukian Nieto
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 10429
- IdHAL : t-kurtukian-nieto
- ORCID : 0000-0002-0028-0220
- IdRef : 259022632
B. Bilgier
- Fonction : Auteur
R.B. Cakirli
- Fonction : Auteur
E. Ganioglu
- Fonction : Auteur
H.C. Kozer
- Fonction : Auteur
L. Kucuk
- Fonction : Auteur
G. Susoy
- Fonction : Auteur
C. Stodel
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 177922
- IdHAL : christelle-stodel
- ORCID : 0000-0003-4658-2213
- IdRef : 227006291
J.C. Thomas
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 738662
- IdHAL : jean-charles-thomas
- ORCID : 0000-0001-6618-9772
Preliminary results of an experimental study of the beta -decay of the exotic T$_z$ = - 2, $^{56}$Zn nucleus and other proton-rich T$_z$ = -1 nuclei are presented. The ions were produced at GANIL using fragmentation reactions, separated by the LISE3 spectrometer and implanted in a double-sided silicon strip detector surrounded by Ge detectors. The half-lives of $^{56}$Zn and four T$_z$ = -1 nuclei in the fp-shell have been measured. While the decay of the T$_z$ = -1 nuclei proceeds essentially by -delayed gamma emission, in the case of $^{56}$Zn -delayed proton emission is also observed. Moreover, the exotic -delayed gamma-proton decay is seen for the first time. The information from the decay study has been used to determine the absolute Fermi and Gamow-Teller transition strengths. The results for $^{56}$Zn have been compared with the mirror Charge Exchange process, the ($^3$He,t) reaction on the T$_z$ = +2, $^{56}$Fe target nucleus. This comparison is important for understanding the $^{56}$Zn decay data.