Journal Articles European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields Year : 2013

Comments on "An Update of the HLS Estimate of the Muon g-2"by M.Benayoun {\it et al.}, arXiv:1210.7184v3


In a recent paper \cite{benayoun} M.Benayoun {\it et al.} use a specific model to compare results on the existing data for the cross section of the process $e^+e^-\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-$ and state conclusions about the inconsistency of the BABAR results with those from the other experiments. We show that a direct model-independent comparison of the data at hand contradicts this claim. Clear discrepancies with the results of Ref. \cite{benayoun} are pointed out. As a consequence we do not believe that the lower value and the smaller uncertainty obtained for the prediction of the muon magnetic anomaly are reliable results.

Dates and versions

in2p3-00915014 , version 1 (06-12-2013)



M. Davier, B. Malaescu. Comments on "An Update of the HLS Estimate of the Muon g-2"by M.Benayoun {\it et al.}, arXiv:1210.7184v3. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 2013, 73, pp.2597. ⟨10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2597-1⟩. ⟨in2p3-00915014⟩
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