Design Status of the radioactive production area pumping system of SPIRAL2
SPIRAL2 is a radioactive Ion beam accelerator under construction now at GANIL dedicated to fundamental and applied research in nuclear physics [1]. This machine aims essentially at producing high intensities of exotic nuclei issued from the interaction between a Deuteron beam (E= 40 Mev, I =5 mA) delivered by a superconducting Linac and a carbide uranium target placed in a special zone named production area. Reaction between beam and target in the production area produces a large amount of radioactive gaseous that must be stopped and retained because it may cause a danger for users and also may generate an uncontrollable contamination of machine equipments. That's why, vacuum pumping system in this special area is considered as a major issue for global machine safety. In this presentation, we will describe the vacuum system design of the production area in order to obtain a pressure lower than 10-6 hPa and to ensure a strong limitation of radioactive gas transmission. Firstly, main characteristic of proposed pumping system for which a Monte Carlo Code named MOVAK3D [2] has been used to optimize conductance, will be presented. An additional Cryogenic trap system (named "cryotrap"), handled by robots, will be used if necessary to reinforce pumping capacity. Secondly, a description of a special experiment using a prototype of Cryotrap, performed recently, will be exposed and the main experimental results with three different gaseous ( H2, CO2, N2) will be given. Modelisation with a Monte Carlo Code named Molflow+ [3] with sticking coefficient determined with experimental data will be also showed. Finally, global status of pumping system will be presented with an illustration of its main specificities in managing radioactive gaseous in the production area where human interventions are forbidden