Conference Poster Year : 2013

Common control and readout board for the Calorimeter and Tracker Front-end electronics of the SuperNEMO experiment


SN_CROB board is the common Control and Readout Board for the Calorimeter and Tracker Front-end electronics of the SuperNEMO experiment. SuperNEMO is the next-generation experiment based on a tracking plus calorimetry technique. The demonstrator is made of a calorimeter (700 channels) and a tracking detector (6000 channels). These detectors front-end electronics use an unified architecture based on similar crates. SN_CROB board gathers the front-end data from the calorimeter or tracker FEBs and sends them through Ethernet link to the DAQ. It extracts the Trigger Primitive from the front-end data and sends them through serial link to the Trigger Board.
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in2p3-00864248 , version 1 (20-09-2013)


  • HAL Id : in2p3-00864248 , version 1


T. Caceres, O. Duarte. Common control and readout board for the Calorimeter and Tracker Front-end electronics of the SuperNEMO experiment. Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-13), Sep 2013, Perugia, Italy. ⟨in2p3-00864248⟩
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