A New Low Intensity Beam Profile Monitor for SPIRAL2
In order to obtain profiles of SPIRAL 2 ion beams, several beam profile monitors are presently being developed at GANIL. One of them is a lowintensity beam-profile monitor (EFM). This Emission-FoilMonitor (EFM) will be used in the radioactive beam lines of SPIRAL2 and in the experimental rooms of this new facility. The ions produce secondary electrons when they are stopped in an aluminium emissive foil. The electrons are then guided in an electric field placed parallel to a magnetic field in a doublestage microchannel plate (MCP). A 2D pixelated pad plane placed below theMCP is then used to collect the signal. The magnetic field created by permanent magnets in a closed magnetic circuit configuration permits the beam-profile reconstruction to be achieved with good resolution. The EFM can visualize beam-profile intensities between only a few pps to as much as 109 pps and with energies as low as several keV. This profiler has been under development since 2011 and is actually manufactured. For the signal acquisition, a new dedicated electronics system will be employed. Recent results of this monitor and its associated electronics will be presented here.