Heavy ion collisions as a tool to investigate the nuclear equation of state and the structure of nuclei
Heavy ion collisions are a versatile and powerful tool to investigate both dynamic and thermodynamic features of excited nuclei and nuclear matter and to have an insight into the structure of exotic nuclei. In this talk we will present the first results on the 40,48Ca+40,48Ca at 35 MeV/nucleon experiment performed in GANIL, coupling the VAMOS spectrometer to the 4¼ charged particle array INDRA, to study the nuclear equation of state probed with isotopic distributions measurements. Such a set-up allows us to uniquely identify in charge and mass forward emitted heavy fragments, while having a complete information on the kinematics of the event by the measure of all the particles emitted in coincidence. Also, the high granularity and energy resolution of the apparatus open the possibility of applying correlation techniques to investigate alpha-cluster states in the ground state of 40Ca, predicted by a dynamical