Centrality determination of Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 2.76 TeV with ALICE
B. Abelev
C. Cheshkov
B. Cheynis
L. Ducroux
J.-Y. Grossiord
Maxime Guilbaud
R. Tieulent
A. Uras
Y. Zoccarato
R. Vernet
I. Belikov
B. Hippolyte
C.C. Kuhn
L. Molnar
C.S. Roy
X. Sanchez Castro
Laurent Aphecetche
Guillaume Batigne
E. Bergognon
M. Bregant
H. Delagrange
O. Driga
B. Erazmus
Magali Estienne
Marie Germain
A. Lardeux
Gines Martinez Garcia
A. Mas
L. Massacrier
Philippe Pillot
Y. Schutz
Alexandre Shabetai
Diego Stocco
N. Arbor
G. Conesa Balbastre
J. Faivre
C. Furget
R. Guernane
S. Kox
J.S. Real
C. Silvestre
Y.W. Baek
V. Barret
N. Bastid
P. Crochet
P. Dupieux
R. Ichou
X. Lopez
F. Manso
M. Marchisone
S. Porteboeuf-Houssais
P. Rosnet
B. Vulpescu
X. Zhang
Z. Conesa Del Valle
I. Das
B. Espagnon
C. Hadjidakis
I. Lakomov
C. Suire
J. D. Tapia Takaki
L. Valencia Palomo
Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon
2 CC-IN2P3 - Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3
3 DRS-IPHC - Département Recherches Subatomiques
4 SUBATECH - Laboratoire SUBATECH Nantes
5 LPSC - Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie
6 LPC - Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire - Clermont-Ferrand
7 IPNO - Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay
2 CC-IN2P3 - Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3
3 DRS-IPHC - Département Recherches Subatomiques
4 SUBATECH - Laboratoire SUBATECH Nantes
5 LPSC - Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie
6 LPC - Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire - Clermont-Ferrand
7 IPNO - Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay
B. Abelev
- Function : Author
B. Cheynis
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 750577
- IdHAL : brigitte-cheynis
- IdRef : 032215606
Maxime Guilbaud
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 177174
- IdHAL : maxime-guilbaud
- ORCID : 0000-0001-5990-482X
- IdRef : 236157566
C.S. Roy
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 742351
- IdHAL : christelle-roy
- ORCID : 0000-0001-5920-6271
Laurent Aphecetche
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 2010
- IdHAL : laurent-aphecetche
- ORCID : 0000-0001-7662-3878
- IdRef : 113847653
Guillaume Batigne
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 175820
- IdHAL : guillaume-batigne
- ORCID : 0000-0001-8638-6300
- IdRef : 077207874
Magali Estienne
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 179790
- IdHAL : magali-estienne
- ORCID : 0000-0003-0687-5580
Marie Germain
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 170960
- IdHAL : marie-germain
- ORCID : 0000-0001-7382-1609
- IdRef : 176579958
Gines Martinez Garcia
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 169952
- IdHAL : gines-martinez
- ORCID : 0000-0002-8657-6742
- IdRef : 068952961
Philippe Pillot
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 175815
- IdHAL : ppillot
- ORCID : 0000-0002-9067-0803
Alexandre Shabetai
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 181202
- IdHAL : alexandre-shabetai
- ORCID : 0000-0003-3069-726X
Diego Stocco
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 170966
- IdHAL : diego-stocco
- ORCID : 0000-0002-5377-5163
- IdRef : 204479150
G. Conesa Balbastre
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 737477
- IdHAL : conesa-balbastre-gustavo
- ORCID : 0000-0001-5283-3520
J. Faivre
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 1491080
- ORCID : 0009-0007-8219-3334
C. Furget
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 1400531
- ORCID : 0009-0004-9666-7156
J.S. Real
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 737490
- IdHAL : jean-sebastien-real
- ORCID : 0000-0003-1584-783X
- IdRef : 156873133
S. Porteboeuf-Houssais
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 1350722
- IdHAL : sarah-porteboeuf
- ORCID : 0000-0002-2646-6189
This publication describes the methods used to measure the centrality of inelastic Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV per colliding nucleon pair with ALICE. The centrality is a key parameter in the study of the properties of QCD matter at extreme temperature and energy density, because it is directly related to the initial overlap region of the colliding nuclei. Geometrical properties of the collision, such as the number of participating nucleons and number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions, are deduced from a Glauber model with a sharp impact parameter selection, and shown to be consistent with those extracted from the data. The centrality determination provides a tool to compare ALICE measurements with those of other experiments and with theoretical calculations.