Nuclear structural evolution and average proton-neutron interactions on Xe and Rn from precision mass measurements
The evolution of nuclear structure will be discussed with a direct approach based on plots of 2-dimensional contours of various observables. This approach offers a new way visualizing and extrapolating the systematics of nuclei, especially far from stability. In addition, different regions will be examined, including those addressed from recent mass measurements of Xe [1] and Rn [2] with the double Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at CERN-ISOLDE. The average proton-neutron interaction, dVpn, extracted from double differences of masses, is studied using these new mass results for the Ra and Ba nuclei. A new pattern was observed for both N~90 and N~134 regions. Finally, these experimental dVpn results will be compared with recent microscopic density functional theory results.