SuperIso Relic v3.0: A program for calculating relic density and flavour physics observables: Extension to NMSSM
SuperIso Relic v3.0 is a public program for evaluation of relic density and flavour physics observables in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) and next-to-minimal extension of the Standard Model (NMSSM). SuperIso Relic is an extension of the SuperIso program which adds to the flavour observables of SuperIso the computation of all possible annihilation and coannihilation processes of the LSP which are required for the relic density calculation. All amplitudes have been generated at the tree level with FeynArts/FormCalc, and widths of the Higgs bosons are computed with FeynHiggs or Hdecay at the two-loop level. SuperIso Relic also provides the possibility to modify the assumptions of the cosmological model, and to study their consequences on the relic density.