Compact waveguide-based power divider feeding independently any number of coaxial lines
The device described in this paper has been designed to enable the feeding of many individual plasma sources from a single microwave generator, providing a noninterfering and constant supply of power to each coaxial line driving these plasma sources. The power coming from the generator flows through a waveguide under standing-wave conditions provided by the presence of a conducting plane located at the waveguide end opposite that linked to the generator. Power is extracted from the waveguide, at the maximum of intensity of the E-field standing wave, by a waveguide-to-coaxial-line transition designated as a probe. One or two probes can be set at each such maximum of field intensity (and this on both sides of the waveguide wide wall), yielding a compact power divider. Each coaxial line feeds a microwave field applicator, sustaining plasma, through a matching circuit comprising a tuning means and a ferrite isolator (circulator with a matched load), the latter ensuring that whatever happens to the plasma source, the other feeding lines are not affected. The conditions required for a perfect match of the microwave generator to the power divider are elaborated and examples of actual designs are presented