The Supernovae Integral Field Spectrograph: keys to high-precision spectro-photometry
The Supernovae Integral Field Spectrograph: keys to a better spectro-photometry The Nearby Supernova Factory aims at discovering and observing a sample of type Ia supernovae through the dedicated Supernovae Integral Field Spectrograph, currently in operation since 2004 on Mauna-Kea UH telescope. To reach the targeted spectro-photometric accuracy, attention has been focused on various aspects of the calibration procedure, including: estimate of the night photometricity, derivation of the mean atmospheric extinction over the extended optical domain (320-1000 nm), its modeling in terms of physical components (Rayleigh and aerosol scatterings, ozone absorption and telluric lines) and its variability within a given night. Point-source extraction from the IFS datacube also requires a detailed knowledge of the atmospheric-induced point spread function (PSF). The overall accuracy of the calibration chain is estimated on reference flux standard stars.
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