Characterization of high density matrix microwave argon plasmas by laser absorption and electric probe diagnostics
Microwave plasma sources distributed on a planar matrix configuration can produce uniform bi-dimensional plasmas free from magnetic field in the 100 Pa pressure range. In argon, such uniform sheets of plasma have been obtained with ion densities in the range of 1012 to 1013 cm-3 with microwave power ranging from 0.4 to 2 kW. The electrical characterization of the plasma has been investigated using a cylindrical Langmuir probe. A first feature concerns the plasma potential that exhibits quite high values due to the large increase in the electron temperature towards the source plane where the microwave electric field is applied. Secondly, the decrease in the electron temperature observed when increasing the microwave power can be justified by the apparition of multi-step ionization mechanisms via metastable and higher excited states of Ar atom. The concentration and temperature of Ar(3P2) metastables have been measured by laser diode absorption spectroscopy. The results indicate that the presence of Ar(3P2) metastables is significant at 2 cm from the source plane with concentration and temperature values varying from 1010 to 1011 cm-3 and from 500 K to 1300 K, respectively, as functions of argon pressure and microwave power. An analytical model using a few simplifying assumptions provides a plasma picture in good agreement with the experimental results.