Study of the neutron-rich nucleus $^{36}$Si
Excited states of N=22 $^{36}$Si, populated in deep-inelastic processes produced by the interaction of a 215 MeV beam of $^{36}$S ions with a $^{208}$Pb target, were studied in the present work. $\gamma$ rays from the binary fragments detected using CLARA, an array of 25 Ge Clover detectors, were measured in coincidence with projectile-like fragments detected by PRISMA, a large solid angle magnetic spectrometer. Two new $\gamma$-ray photopeaks at energies of 1442 and 842 keV were observed and tentatively assigned to the 4+$\rightarrow$2+ and 6+$\rightarrow$4+ transitions, respectively. The systematics of the level structures of N=22 isotones are presented, and a comparison is made of the behavior of Si, Mg, and S isotopes. The level structure of $^{36}$Si is also compared with the results of sdpf shell model calculations