Sum rules for $B(M1,0^+_1\rightarrow1^+_i)$ strength in IBM-3 and IBM-4
Sum rules for $B(M1,0^+_1\rightarrow1^+_i)$ strength are derived for even-even nuclei in the isospin-invariant forms of the IBM, IBM-3 and IBM-4, in the cases where the respective natural internal symmetries, isospin $U$(3) and $U(6)\supset SU$(4), are conserved. Subsequently, the total strength is resolved into its component partial sums to the allowed isospins (and $SU(4)$ representations in IBM-4). In cases where the usual IBM dynamical symmetries are also valid, a complete description of all $B(M1,0^+_1\rightarrow1^+_i)$ is given. In contrast to IBM-2, there is fragmentation of the strength even in the dynamical symmetry cases, for $T\neq 0$, over two states in IBM-3, and over three states in IBM-4. The presence of $pn$ bosons in the ground state of the extended versions reduces the expected strength from that for IBM-2, allowing in principle the possibility of using $B(M1)$ data for a given nucleus to infer which version is the most appropriate.