Conference Papers Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Year : 1978

Measurement of the heavy ion- alpha angular correlation in the system $^{32}$S+$^{197}$Au

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in2p3-00017229 , version 1 (18-09-2000)


  • HAL Id : in2p3-00017229 , version 1


A. Gamp, J.C. Jacmart, N. Poffe, H. Doubre, J.C. Roynette, et al.. Measurement of the heavy ion- alpha angular correlation in the system $^{32}$S+$^{197}$Au. Dpg Spring Meeting and Advanced Training Meeting of the Fachausschuss Kernphysik Sektion A: Nuclear Physics, Mar 1978, Heidelberg, Germany. pp.850. ⟨in2p3-00017229⟩
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