Study of the unbound nucleus $^{11}$N by the $^{12}$C($^{14}$N,$^{15}$C)$^{11}$N tranfer reaction
A spectroscopic study of the proton-rich, particle unstable nucleus 11N has been performed using the multi-nucleon transfer reaction 12C(14N,15C)11N at 30 AMeV incident energy at GANIL. Levels of 11N are observed as well defined resonances in the spectrum of the 15C-ejectiles. They are localized at 2.18(5), 3.63(5), 4.39(5), 5.12(8) and 5.87(15) MeV above the 10C+p threshold. The comparison of the measured widths with R-matrix calculations allows the estimation of spins and parities for these resonances.