QCD factorization in charmless $B\rightarrow{PV}$ decays
Performing a global fit of the experimental branching ratios and CP asymmetries of the charmless B ! PV decays according to QCD factorization, we find it impossible to reach a satisfactory agreement, the confidence level (CL) of the best fit being smaller than 0.1%. The main reason for this failure is the difficulty to accomodate several large experimental branching ratios of the strange channels. Furthermore, experiment was not able to exclude a large direct CP asymmetry in $\overline {B°}\rightarrow gamma+pi−, which is predicted very small by QCD factorisation. Then, trying a fit with QCD factorisation complemented by a charming-penguin inspired model, we reach a best fit which is not excluded by experiment (CL of about 8%) but is not fully convincing. These negative results must be tempered by the remark that some of the experimental data used are recent and might still evolve significantly.