Level structures of $^{131,129}$Ce observed in beta decay
The low-lying levels of the odd-mass nuclei 131 Ce and 129 Ce have been investigated by means of the β + EC decays of 131g+m Pr and 129 Pr, respectively, The Pr nuclei were obtained by bombarding 94,96 Mo targets with a 255 MeV 40 Ca beam. The radioactivities produced in the reactions were transported with a He-jet device and γγt , X γt , e − γt coincidence measurements were performed. Conversion electrons were measured with a magnetic spectrometer and transition multipolarities were deduced. On-line mass separation was used to select the 129 Pr β-decay. The resulting level schemes of 131,129,127 Ce are discussed in connection with level systematics and calculations performed by using the Interacting Boson-Fermion Model (IBFM). (Elsevier)