Terminating bands in $^{98,99,100}$Ru nuclei : New information on the neutron 2d$_{5/2}$ and 1g$_{7/2}$ energy spacing
MeV. The γ rays have been detected with the EUROGAM-2 array. New high-spin bands have been established in these nuclei and interpreted as terminating configurations using the Nilsson-Strutinsky cranking formalism. These bands were observed up to the predicted terminating states which are built from g9/2 protons and N=3 proton holes combined with d5/2, g7/2, and h11/2 neutrons relative to a 90Zr core. Core-excited configurations with N=3 proton holes have been found to play an important role. The observed high-spin states assigned as terminating show systematic behavior and provide new information on the energy spacing between the 2d5/2 and 1g7/2 neutron subshells. (APS)