Periodic vacuum and particles in two dimensions
THE NONCONSCIOUS INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISING SEEN FURTIVELY AND AT ONCE FORGOTTEN: A SOCIAL COGNITIVE METHOD APPLIED TO INTERNET Abstract We present a method to study psychological treatments and nonconscious influences of advertising on Internet. Built with implicit social cognition and persuasive communication theories, the method studies the effects on the judgements toward a new brand, whereas the subjects completely forgot to be exposed to advertising for this brand, one week before. Tested within an experimental plan on 242 subjects, the method analyzes the verbal answers and the response latencies to answer the questions about the brand. The results show that the analyses of verbal answers are inadequate : only the analyses of the response times make it possible to have access to nonconscious representations in memory. They will influence subject's judgements and attitudes toward to the brand, in a non conscious way. The theoretical implications and the new research perspectives opened by this method are then studied.