Status of the EDELWEISS Experiment
The status of the EDELWEISS experiment (underground dark matter search with heat-ionisation bolometers) is reviewed. Auspicious results achieved with a prototype 70 g Ge heat-ionisation detector under a 2 V reverse bias tension are discussed. Based on gamma and neutron calibrations, a best-case rejection factor, over the 15-45 keV range, of 99.7 % for gammas, with an acceptance of 94 % for neutrons, is presented first. Some operational results of physical interest obtained under poor low radioactivity conditions follow. They include a raw event rate of around 30 events/day/kg/keV over the same energy range, and, after rejection of part of the background, lead to a conservative upper limit on the signal of approximately 1.6 events/day/kg/keV at a 90 % confidence level. Performance degrading surface effects of the detector are speculated upon; and planned upgrades are summarized.